Getting Started
This is open-source curriculum for devs looking to become freelancers and want to know how to do it, where to start, and how to sell online. This curriculum is also suggested for devs who are freelancers and want to earn more. Curriculum has text and video whatever you prefer as learning material. Hope this helps a few. If it does give me a follow on twitter!
About This Project
Bootcamp was created in early 2023 and contains everything I learned through my journey as a freelance dev. I started programming in 2020 with a few months of experience as a dev looked for a job and was struggling to get one which made me try selling programming services online to my surprise I've gotten to earning over $5,000 monthly in less than a year and kickstarted my career as developer. You can find me selling online under the pseudonym Voxvici.
How to learn from this
Curriculum is divided into steps it should take you around 3 months to complete it. It has video, text and tasks to complete as you advance through curriculum. P.S The voice in the video has been done by Let's get started!
Step 1
What to expect on freelancing journey - Part 1
What to expect on freelancing journey - Part 2
What to expect on freelancing journey - Part 3
What to expect on freelancing journey - Part 4
What to expect on freelancing journey - Part 5
Develop most important set of skills to become successful remote dev
Choose your marketplace - Part 1
Choose your marketplace - Part 2
Choose your marketplace - Part 3
Choose your marketplace - Part 4
Choose your marketplace - Part 5
Task: your marketplace choice
What to sell - Part 1
What to sell - Part 2
Task: what am I selling
Leverage personal projects to demonstrate professional competence - Part 1
Leverage personal projects to demonstrate professional competence - Part 2
Task: leverage your projects
Build out profile that makes client want to hire you - Part 1
Build out profile that makes client want to hire you - Part 2
Build out profile that makes client want to hire you - Part 3
Build out profile that makes client want to hire you - Part 4
Build out profile that makes client want to hire you - Part 5
Task: building your profile
Rank up on platform and stand out with minimal experience
Get ahead with minimal experience
Step 2
Get paid to learn new coding skills - Part 1
Get paid to learn new coding skills - Part 2
Assess job stability in remote and project-based roles
How to assess job stability framework
Discover and leverage the best job platforms for remote tech work and avoid bad jobs
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Framework
Display expertise in niche areas without having done it before
Become expert on any topic in a few hours
Remove complexity of coding
Break down complex problems into small manageable steps solving them fast and efficiently
The X framework
Write killer proposals
Proposal client wants to message back
Land every client without certifications
Use personal projects portfolio to land high paying clients
Communicate effectively in a remote setting using digital tools and practices
Establish & align same vision with a client while not having to learn new tech stack - Part 1
Establish & align same vision with a client while not having to learn new tech stack - Part 2
Professional conversation with a client - Part 1
Professional conversation with a client - Part 2
How much to charge & what about free work - Part 1
How much to charge & what about free work - Part 2
How much to charge & what about free work - Part 3
How much to charge & what about free work - Part 4
How much to charge & what about free work - Part 5
How much to charge & what about free work - Part 6
Task: time to land first project
Step 3
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 1
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 2
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 3
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 4
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 5
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 6
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 7
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 8
Close that deal and ensure successful remote dev career - Part 9
Make meaningful long term relationships with clients and their teams - Part 1
Make meaningful long term relationships with clients and their teams - Part 2
Make meaningful long term relationships with clients and their teams - Part 3
Establish long term relationships - Part 1
Establish long term relationships - Part 2
Establish long term relationships - Part 3
Navigate job security concerns in remote work settings and ensure your value
Step 4
What not to do, mistakes & problems every freelancer face - Part 1
What not to do, mistakes & problems every freelancer face - Part 2
What not to do, mistakes & problems every freelancer face - Part 3
Network effectively and fast
Scaling freelancing business - Part 1
Scaling freelancing business - Part 2
Scaling freelancing business - Part 3
Scaling freelancing business - Part 4
Scaling freelancing business - Part 5
Continuous learning and growth - Part 1
Continuous learning and growth - Part 2
Stand out in a competitive remote job market and secure your position and become irreplaceable